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You ain't going anywhere ...

Pene usually likes nursery. Pene also usually likes napping when our ward holds church. This tends to influence how happy she is to just be dropped off in nursery.

To make things more interesting she’s significantly older than the average kid in her nursery class, and today I though I’d take her into the older class.

Combining her lack of sleep with the new environment yielded an extremely loud, screaming little girl. I saved her and took her back to the younger class, but she did not want me to leave her there alone. At first she wanted to sit in my lap, but eventually was happy eating treats in the little chair as long as I, in my big chair, was sitting directly behind her.

I suppose her trust for me started waining, because she turned around, looked at me, grabbed my hand, then turned back around and started eating with her left hand, while continuing to hold my hand with her right hand.

It probably didn’t help things in the long run that I stayed in class with her today, but how can I have turned that down?