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truth n. Conformity to fact or actuality. In light of recent events I have grown increasingly sensitive to people creating new meaning for words. That people can listen to an explanation that does not conform to fact or actuality and be okay with it boggles my mind. Redifining the meaning of not raining (reality), or changing the definition of numbers (reality); words ought to matter, but (with some exceptions) sometimes it feels like people don’t seem to care when they don’t. Read More...

forever family

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A redditor named tapirs_and_chariots recently shared a text interaction they had. In it a family member expressed love by claiming: I love you. […] I refuse to lose you to the world. They respond by recognizing that the message comes from a place of love, and then acknowledging that having a family member leave the church can be a painful, difficult experience. They know this because they also used to believe. Read More...

Exclusion Policy

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A year ago today. That’s when the LDS church’s Exclusion Policy was leaked. That’s when they set fire to the splintered halfs of my proverbial shelf. Mine started as a fairly orthodox faith/belief/involvement in the Mormon tradition. I inherited the religion from my parents. I was baptised as a child, participated in every weekly activity, attended seminary, attended BYU for both of my degrees, went on mission, I consistently paid tithing, and honestly answered all temple recommend questions honestly every time I was asked (fond memories the time I answered “does it still count as sustaining the prophet if I think it’s wrong for us to build a mall with sacred funds? Read More...